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Darebin Music Feast

If you missed our CD launch last weekend or you’d like to hear it all again, we’ll be showcasing the songs from our new CD ‘Sing Anyway’ at the Darebin Music Feast at 8pm on Friday 5 October. Join us for an evening of beautiful music and songs from local and overseas artists such as Dave Steele, Jennie Swain,…


Koro Loriko Song Swap

Join the Brunswick Women’s Choir and Koro Loriko for an evening of singing and swapping songs.  Koro Loriko formed to celebrate 10 years of independence in Timor-Leste. During their visit to Australia, they are performing with the Melbourne Millenium Chorus and conducting Song Swaps with community choirs around Melbourne. Their visit is being supported The…

Into The Sky! Last chance to book online today!

Into The Sky! Last chance to book online today!

Online bookings close 5pm today! Tickets will be available at the door. Victorian Regional Tour Launch – Two Concerts Saturday 24th August – 3.30 and 6pm Brunswick Uniting Church 212 Sydney Rd corner of Merri St Excitement has been building over these last few months in the Brunswick Women’s Choir as we pull together the show that we will take on…


Save these dates!

CD Launch – Saturday 22nd September Two fabulous concerts at 3.00pm and 6.00pm will be held in the beautifully renovated Brunswick Uniting Church to celebrate the launch of the Brunswick Women’s Choir latest CD ‘Sing Anyway’. An eclectic mix of inspiring songs including new works composed specially for the choir’s 20th birthday celebrations by Jenni Swain. Bookings opening soon… Singing…

New Members!

Welcome new members! We are excited that 8 women joined us in May. These new members are learning the final two songs we are recording for our new CD. We’re thrilled that you will be able to hear them when we launch our new CD in September.


Bringing Singing to the Community

After many months of planning, recording, emailing and editing,  Brunswick Women’s Choir is very proud to launch ‘Bringing Singing to the Community’ – a project funded by VicHealth! Free online workshops with downloadable sheet music, audio files and links to YouTube videos… We hope these workshops will enable people in regional and remote areas, and anyone who can’t participate…

Wine, Women and Song Wins Hearts at Stones of the Yarra Valley

  Sunday’s performance was nothing short of stunning!  The setting was amazing, the acoustics perfect and as a group you were so tight and in sync it made for heavenly appreciation. Whatever you have been doing, keep doing it. The enthusiasm and the professionalism of the group were palpable and the quality of the sound…


Brunswick Women’s Choir in the Yarra Valley

Wine, women and song! On Sunday 12th February, Brunswick Women’s Choir will be performing its first concert for 2012 in the glorious chapel at Stones of the Yarra Valley Winery. Rising from the rustic, weather-beaten remnants of a century-old barn, Stones of the Yarra Valley has emerged as the Yarra Valley’s premier location for celebration…