Bring ’em all in: Asylum Seeker Resource Centre Benefit
More than 65 million people worldwide have been forced to leave their homes due to war, persecution, natural disasters and poverty. They’re alone in a world where many people do not want them. And just like you, all they want is a safe place to call home. The need for action is great and the time for a warm welcome is now.
Brunswick Women’s Choir believes in the power of music to help bring about change. The BWC sings stories to inspire audiences and bring people together. Our songs of hope give voice to those in need.
The choir will be supported by the 8 women of Acoustic Kitchen who hail from South Gippsland and the Latrobe Valley. They sing a cappella from the heart, as well as for social justice.
We will also hear from speakers who will share their story about seeking asylum or helping others to do so.
All proceeds from this event will go to the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre. The ASRC advocates the importance of empowering people with lived experience to share their story and shift attitudes about refugees and people seeking asylum.
We acknowledge Moreland City Council in supporting this event.
WHERE: Coburg Town Hall, 90 Bell St, Coburg
WHEN: Sunday, 26 March. Doors open 4.30pm / 5.00pm start
TICKETS: Full $25 / Concession $18 / Kids (<15) $10
Visit TryBooking for tickets.