BWC hit the Big Apple!
What a way to celebrate International Women’s Day: joining forces with 197 women from eight countries, to sing songs written by women and in celebration of women! That’s exactly what 15 members of BWC did in March… and at the Lincoln Centre in New York, no less!
The journey began late last year, as the group met many times to rehearse nine very challenging songs, all quite different from our existing repertoire. Once in New York, there were two intense rehearsals to polish the work. And then it was off to the Lincoln Centre. The excitement at using the artists’ entrance built to fever pitch during dress rehearsal. But nothing could compare to the thrill of delivering a stellar performance to a packed house, with women from all around the world.
And of course, having traveled all that way, the women needed to squeeze every drop out of the Big Apple! Sightseeing, shopping, singing and shows … and more than a few cocktails! A trip never to be forgotten.